This craft is to aide children to prayer when young minds can sometimes struggle to think of what to say. Don’t use this craft to “tell” a child what to say, simply ask, “Here is a house, can you think of something to ask or thank God for that has something to do with a house? Maybe you just want to tell Him something?”
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Materials & Equipment
- Printer
- Paper
- Colouring Tools
- Scissors
- Glue
- Colour in and cut out pieces.
- Glue hand together using the tabs.
- Create your own prayer prompts – e.g. your family, friends, etc.
- Use this craft in creative ways. Some suggestions:
- During family worship, or opening/closing Sabbath each member of the family can choose a prayer prompt for their prayer. Remember, that prayer is opening the heart to God, like we do with good friends, so this is a good time to model sharing what’s on your heart rather than just a “prayer request”, or “thanks”.
- Encourage personal daily prayer every morning and night. Ask them what prayer prompt they used.
- Ask your child how could they use this craft to help their prayer life and see what they come up with!
** HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PAPER from Amazon** which I use for ALL my crafts because it’s a bit thicker than ordinary printer paper and prints brilliantly!!!
** This is an affiliate link, which means if you make a purchase, I’ll receive a tiny portion of the sale (this does not increase the price for you!).